Yahoo Creative launches to help brands supercharge programmatic ads

Yahoo Advertising has launched a full-stack, data-powered ad creative solution as it looks to help brands maximise the creative potential of their campaigns with AI and data.

Developed in partnership with CX software firm Innervate, ‘Yahoo Creative’ will work across the US tech giant’s demand-side platform and will be compatible with other ad tech providers.

The omnichannel service will enable advertisers to place content across connected TV, mobile, display and digital out-of-home, providing brands with a 360 programmatic offering.

“In today’s cookie-less landscape, dynamic, relevant, and engaging creative is critical for campaign success,” Yahoo chief revenue officer Elizabeth Herbst-Brady said.

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“Yahoo Creative represents a major technological advancement, combining AI, data, and human expertise to usher in a new era of creative for advertisers. It empowers brands to achieve greater personalisation and engagement, driving superior campaign results.”

Major international brands such as Princess Cruises are already using the platform upon launch, which benefits from a built-in first-party data set of more than 205 million of the online giant’s users.

Yahoo Creative vice-president and head Tony Gemma added: “Yahoo Creative represents a key advancement in creative within our industry.

“By bringing together Innervate’s cutting-edge technology, and integrating our robust data and creative services, Yahoo Creative is transforming the potential for creativity, and delivering superior results for advertisers.”

BrandsInnovation and TechNews

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