9 in 10 consumers are happy to shop second hand, Virgin Media O2 reveals

Virgin Media O2 has revealed in a recent study that the stigma of buying used goods is now a thing of the past, as nine in 10 consumers are now happy to shop second hand.

According to the broadband provider, the mass reversal of opinion is due to concerns about the cost of living, the environment and a desire to own ‘unique’ items.

Fronted by British television presenter and sustainability influencer Miquita Oliver, the commissioned study comes alongside the launch of its new ‘Do One Thing’ campaign which intends to inspire people to make changes to their lifestyles to help protect the planet for future generations.

“With more people wanting to lead greener lives, the poll found almost half of Brits are more likely to purchase preowned items now than they would have five years’ ago, with two thirds happy to buy used or refurbished mobile phones – one of the most sought-after second-hand items available,” Virgin Media O2 said.

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An additional 30% people enjoy buying pre-loved clothing, while 35% seek out retro furniture, and 24% like sourcing old homeware goods. Almost 77% of those polled also saw shopping second-hand as ‘one easy step they can take to be kinder to the planet’.

Virgin Media O2 added: “More than a third (35%) will shop for used items to get more bang for their buck, and a quarter (25%) say second hand items are surprisingly good quality and good value.”

“More than half (55%) believe people need to make small changes to their lifestyles to live more sustainably, with 43% wanting to protect the planet for future generations.”

The company claims that in addition to shopping second hand, recycling more, lowering energy use, eating less meat and avoiding single-use plastics are among the small changes Brits agreed should be made to be ‘greener’.

“Whether it’s buying second-hand clothes, tech or furniture, recycling more, or using less single-use plastic, we can all do one thing, that when combined, can have a positive and lasting impact on the planet,” British television presenter and sustainability influencer, Miquita Oliver, said.

Virgin Media O2 representative Nicola Green added: “The campaign is all part of Virgin Media O2’s new Better Connections Plan where we’re stepping up for people, communities and the planet. We’re cutting carbon faster, powering tech of the future to create cleaner towns and cities, helping to tackle e-waste, and donating devices and data to people in need so everyone can live in a better, more connected, and greener world.”

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