Vegemite celebrates 100th anniversary by making tongue-in-cheek request to the Queen

Vegemite, Marmite’s Antipodean alter-ego, has launched a tongue-in-cheek out-of-home campaign to celebrate its upcoming 100th anniversary.

A fleet of mobile digital billboards has been deployed across the capital, coinciding with the Australian celebration of the Queen’s birthday weekend which takes place on the second Monday of June each year.

As part of the light-hearted campaign, the brand has sent an official letter to the Queen, requesting a birthday nod from the monarch on the brand’s 100th birthday, in keeping with the traditional signed card that is sent out to Britons on the occasion of their own 100th birthday.

READ MORE: Posher than posh: Marmite celebrates release of Truffle flavour with ostentatious campaign

“On the Queen’s Birthday long weekend VEGEMITE has officially sent off communication to London, as what better way is there for Vegemite to hit 100 than with a letter from Her Majesty? It’ll top off a whole century of breakfasts, lunches and high teas,” Vegemite marketing manager, Jacqui Roth said.

Tinkerbell executive creative director, Ben Couzens added: “Vegemite is a national icon Down Under, and we think it deserves nothing less than the royal treatment when it hits the big 100 next year. Fingers crossed Her Majesty comes through with the goods.”

The news comes as the smell from the iconic brand’s flagship Melbourne factory has been given heritage status by the city council, with the Australian National Trust describing it as ‘an excellent example of intangible cultural heritage’.

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