Loaf sofa brand makes its first ad with independent agency Isobel

Sofa, bed and furniture brand Loaf has launched a major new advertising campaign with independent creative agency Isobel.

The ‘Loaf like you mean it’ campaign positions sitting around and ‘loafing’ as a desirable pursuit and encourages people to ‘really take their loafing seriously’.

Isobel’s first campaign for the sofa brand sees two people compete in a ‘loaf off’. Viewers of the ad are talked through a ‘loafing heat’ by sport-style commentators. The first loafer to get up off the sofa loses.

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“We’re all about embracing the slower side of life, and in ‘loaf like you mean it’, we feel we’ve taken our ambition to celebrate slower living to a whole new level,” Loaf CEO and founder Charlie Marshall said.

The campaign will also feature a range of static and digital OOH and press ads, showing people in their ‘ultimate loafing positionings, celebrating the joy, and the art, of loafing.’

Isobel creative director Ben Stump added: “Loaf understand the importance of downtime and the human need to loaf. That’s why they make the squishiest, squashiest sofas so that you can ‘loaf’ at an almost Olympic level.”

The integrated promotion will also include Cinema, VOD, digital and social media activations.

loaf isobel campaign

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