Airband unveils new brand identity and first-ever TV spot

Independent internet provider Airband has rebranded this week, with a new identity created by The Corner London.

As part of the overhaul, the agency has entirely reworked Airband’s brand strategy, visual identity, and communications output across all touchpoints.

Spearheading the new identity is an animated 30-second spot narrated by English comedian Marc Wootton, which highlights Airband’s competitive monthly rate at a time of rampant inflation. Additional assets will be rolled out across radio, digital, social, and direct mail executions.

With its new identity, Airband will position itself as a value alternative to the large-scale market players, offering a better experience to consumers living outside of major cities.

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“We couldn’t be prouder of our new brand and Launch campaign,” Airband head of marketing, James Hyland said.

“For too long communities and businesses outside of major cities have had to put up with sub optimal broadband. Airband changes all of that, and our new brand and comms shows just how different we are.”

The Corner chief creative officer and founding partner, Tom Ewart added: “If you love good brands, like we do, the opportunity to work on the design and comms simultaneously is a dream.

“It allows us to link up the whole customer experience in a really satisfying way. We wanted to champion Airband’s simple, honest way of doing business, with fun and irreverence. There isn’t much joy in the world right now, but hopefully Puffy will make people smile.”

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