ASA unveils consumer-facing ad to remind UK public that ads are regulated

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has launched its ‘biggest ever’ awareness campaign in a bid to raise its profile and to remind the public and businesses that UK ads across media are regulated.

The campaign, developed with the Advertising Association’s (AA) Trust Working Group, comes as the advertising watchdog celebrates its 60th birthday.

Developed by The Leith Agency, the ads use advertising slogans from household brands including Churchill, IRN-BRU, Lloyds Bank, Marmite and Tesco, to increase trust and awareness in the ASA regulation.

One out-of-home (OOH) ad features the iconic Churchill bulldog and reads: “So the ASA regulates UK ads, including online? Oooh yes.”

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“Rebuilding public trust in advertising is a critical mission for the industry and the national roll-out of our advertising campaign is the next big step forward,” the authority said.

“There’s real value in promoting public understanding and knowledge of our work, reassuring people that ads have to follow the rules, and reminding them of iconic ads that they love.”

The ASA believes regulation is critical to the underpinning of trust in advertising and that it is important the public “know about and buy in to how ads are regulated.”

“It’s a dynamic period in the ASA and indeed adland’s history – with huge shifts happening in the advertising regulatory landscape, fast developing technologies providing new and innovative ways of advertising and public policy concerns around consumer, and in particular children’s, protection from potential ad related harms,” the regulator added.


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