Albert Einstein encourages more Britons to get smart meters fitted in latest AMV BBDO spot

Not-for-profit campaign Smart Energy GB has this week released its latest TV spot that aims to explain how smart meters can help make the UK more self-sufficient in energy.

Developed in partnership with creative agency AMV BBDO, the 30-second film details how the mass-rollout of smart meters could enable Britian to ween itself off imported gas amid the most significant energy crisis in decades.

Tapping into the public recognition of world-renowned German scientist Albert Einstein, the campaign targets members of the public who may feel reticent about purchasing a smart meter by clearly laying out all the benefits that having one fitted can bring.

“With Britain’s future energy security now a part of the national conversation, it’s a great opportunity for Einstein to highlight the role that smart meters could play in helping the country be more self-sufficient in energy,” Smart Energy GB director of marketing, Chris Taggart said.

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“With his trademark good humour, Einstein is the perfect person to help explain this complicated but powerful potential future benefit.”

Running across TV, video-on-demand, AdSmart and YouTube, the spot will also be supported activity across radio, social media and out-of-home.

AMV BBDO creatives Jamie Chang and Rachel Tweedy added: “Our brief was to deliver a distinctly British message to an audience skeptical of smart meters. And what’s more British than tea and biscuits…. that’s right, a biscuit jar that plays a rousing version of Land of Hope and Glory.

“Even Albert Einstein couldn’t help getting lost in the moment as he explains how smart meters could support Britain’s energy security in the future”.

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