CAMRA enlists Ape Creative to revitalise declining real ale sector

Brighton agency Ape Creative has been selected by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) to deliver a campaign to make real ale more appealing to younger audiences.

Cask ale, or real ale is a staple of any ‘traditional’ pub, and whilst craft ale has seen a significant boom in recent years – sales of cask ale have been steadily declining over the last decade leaving the industry in a precarious state.

Ape Creative’s campaign will aim to revitalise the cask ale sector, helping it not only survive but thrive. Centred around the key message: “Drink Cask Fresh”, the brand agnostic campaign has been able to bring together 17 trade bodies, brewers and pub companies for a common purpose.

An initial 10-week (ending 12 May) pilot scheme will be rolled out across 60 pubs nationwide, with 30 receiving a full campaign kit consisting of promotional handpull sleeves, bar runners, beer mats, posters, table talkers, t-shirts and branded glassware. The second group being monitored will not receive any campaign materials, with all participating pubs’ sales data being tracked to measure the promotion’s impact.

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“Most beer drinkers don’t know the difference between cask ale and keg beer, or appreciate how cask beer is made and served”, Ape Creative managing director, Paul Spirou said.

“We felt there was a big opportunity to help pub goers understand that cask is the freshest beer on the bar, and that a huge amount of skill goes in to brewing and looking after it. There is an enormous variety of beer styles, and cask has strong sustainable credentials not only in its production, but with the communities connected to it.

He added: “By reminding them what makes cask so special, we’ll help energise the category, support cask brewers and pubs, and have a fine time doing it. It’s a win-win for everybody.”

Supported by a campaign website and social media hashtag, Drink Cask Fresh has been designed with a vibrant and energetic aesthetic to throw off the shackles of the ‘old-fashioned’ image often associated with real ale. The campaign’s main goal will be to convert occasional cask drinkers into full time fans. Backed by print and digital activations, there will be an added focus on reaching more younger drinkers.

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