BBDO unveils touching AI-powered film telling true story of Dublin’s homeless

Irish homelessness charity Dublin Simon Community has launched a new brand film using the latest AI technology.

Developed by creative agency BBDO Dublin in partnership with New York-based production company Lobo, ‘Unfair City’ highlights the growing levels of inequality in Dublin in order to drive greater public awareness of the issue, and ultimately increase charitable donations.

With close to 9,000 now homeless in a city of only 550,000, this latest project was borne out of increasing alarm at the figures which are rising steadily year-on-year.

It is hoped that through this heartfelt, story-telling campaign people will be able to understand more deeply the complex societal and emotional issues that can lead to homelessness.

“At Dublin Simon Community, Innovation is one of the core values which underpins everything we do. For over 50 years, against the odds and with limited resources, we have strived to bring new and creative ideas to deliver the best possible services for the people who rely on our help,” Dublin Simon Community CEO, Catherine Kenny said.

“As we continue to navigate unchartered territory and unprecedented levels of homelessness and housing insecurity, innovation is needed now more than ever to protect the almost 9,000 people stuck in emergency accommodation in Dublin and the surrounding counties and the thousands more living in fear of losing their homes.

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She continued: “The potential for this technology is huge for the charity sector. From our perspective, it provides our clients with an opportunity to tell their stories in a way that empowers them while protecting their dignity and privacy.

“It gives us the opportunity to share these stories with our donors and supporters in a beautiful and impactful way. We would like to thank Justin for coming on board to pioneer this new opportunity and BBDO Dublin for their continued support, creativity and commitment to our vision.”

Created pro-bono for the charity, the film tells the story of former homeless man Justin Cannon – now an advocate and volunteer for Dublin Simon Community.

Presented in a vivid, watercolour style, a series of images accompany Justin’s words to illustrate his story. Created using AI prompts, the agency worked with artists on the vignettes to ensure a coherent overall direction.

BBDO Dublin creative director and head of art, Robert Boyle added: “One of the difficulties of telling stories of homelessness is that it can be very exposing for Dublin Simon’s clients.

“Reliving traumatic moments in their lives in front of cameras, lights, and microphones can make them feel very vulnerable. The great benefit of using AI in this instance is that it allowed Justin to tell his story on his own terms in a way that was still visually engaging and evocative.”

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