RAPP UK art installation acts as cry for help from London’s unemployed youth

London Youth, a charity for young people has worked with creative agency RAPP UK to point out the dire situation that many of the capital’s young jobseekers find themselves in.

By satirising out-of-reach job ads posted across the capital, London Youth’s campaign spotlights the issues that many young people face throughout the city, with more and more youth clubs closing – restricting their access to expert life tips and career advice.

As part of its ‘Ambitious Applications campaign, the charity has sent direct response letters to various jobs ads at major London employers such as The F.A., Boeing, Dorchester Group and Bloom and Wild to imitate conversations around the widespread closure of youth clubs and what this could mean for employers. In a fundraising first, London Youth has been able to uniquely open communication channels with potential corporate partners.

“We feel this campaign achieves two things, on the one hand it directly targets corporates and asks them to help in a way we would never have thought possible. And on the other we have managed to get a public call out to London, helping us raise awareness of the problem,” London Youth CEO, Rosemary Watt-Wyness said.

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“We know that failure to invest early enough in addressing these gaps reaps costly consequences in the longer term. Youth clubs are the place young people CHOOSE to go, thus presenting a huge opportunity to reach them with support, opportunities, and consistent and trusted adult relationships which London Youth knows can change lives.”

To further support the campaign, an out-of-home installation has been unveiled in Shoreditch, acting as an open letter on behalf London’s young people who are struggling to find employment.

RAPP UK senior copywriter, Oliver Easthope added: “Many young Londoners live in the same areas as the world’s biggest businesses but have no opportunities to build careers with them due to systematic inequalities. This London Youth campaign brilliantly highlights how businesses need to consider this unseen generation, act and make a change, and we’re delighted to have been a part of it..”

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