Longitude Festival names official sports fashion partner

Youth fashion and sportswear brand JD has been named as the official sports fashion retailer of this year’s Longitude Festival, set to be held from 1-2 July in Dublin.

The partnership will see numerous activations launched, including the chance for 14 JD customers (ROI only) to win VIP tickets in the run-up to the event through a competition running 22 May to 6 June.

JD’s partnership with the event will be unmissable for festival goers through its sponsorship of its very own branded stage, and a series of accompanying events set to take place over the summer.

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“Attracting concert-goers from around the globe, Longitude has spent the last decade evolving to meet the ever-changing demands and desires of young audiences, which makes us perfect partners,” JD marketing director, Chris Waters said.

“JD champions being King of your game. Whether you’re performing on the professional stage, creating beats in your bedroom, or competing with your friends to have the freshest sportswear look, JD has you covered this summer. Like Longitude, we’re more determined than ever in making 2023 a summer to remember.”

The collaboration will also be supported by extensive social media activity, connecting with the Longitude and JD’s key Gen Z target audiences.

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