Channel 4 unveils stunning new ident series to reflect changing face of modern Britain

Channel 4 has this week unveiled a stunning new series of idents that aim to represent an authentic tapestry of Britain and its modern, diverse society.

Developed by the broadcaster’s own in-house agency, 4creative in partnership with Art Practice and Love Song – the five new idents reflect the changing face of Britain from the eyes of 17 independent creatives, artists, and filmmakers.

In order to more accurately portray daily British life, real families, couples, and groups of friends feature in the majority of the scenes, which look to reflect Channel 4’s commitment to represent the diverse stories and people that make up the nation.

By aiming to interpret five key themes: Identity, The Land, System, Release and Love, the creative aims to portray Channel 4 as a ‘traveller’acting as a companion for viewers through ‘limitless’ worlds of content.

“Our idents reach 50 million people in the UK every month, so we wanted to represent all of us, the rich diversity of our nation, our communities, and our passions,” Channel 4 chief marketing officer, Zaid Al-Qassab said.

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“This is not only a representation of Channel 4, this is the most viewed piece of public art in the UK, that will be seen for many years to come, so it was important to us that it spoke to everyone. Whoever you are, we hope you will find something that speaks to your heart.”

Combining live-action, animated and full CG (computer generated) films, the work was filmed across four studio days as well as four days on location in Glasgow and the surrounding area.

Ultimately – the creative looks to communicate the broadcaster’s values and public service remit to take creative risks, inspire change, champion unheard voices, and celebrate the UK’s diversity.

4creative executive creative director, Lynsey Atkin added: “The Channel 4 idents have a long history of visual excellence and as a marker for British creativity. We hope that this new set builds on this legacy and delights viewers many times over, with everyone finding a loop that feels like home to them.

“The idents at their purest represent the unbreakable spirit of Channel 4 – of diversity, challenge, and creative risk – and it has been a true labour of love bringing these idents to life with so many brilliant and varied directors and artists. We can’t wait to see them out in the world.”

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