GOOD agency leads the way in ethical AI use with FAIR charter

Purpose-driven strategic and creative agency GOOD has published an AI charter to promote the fair and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the marketing industry.

The ‘FAIR: The GOOD AI Charter’ aims to ensure the agency’ use of AI is fair, ethical and in line with its values, and encourages the industry to follow suit.

The charter highlights GOOD’s six key points to solutions, such as ‘Creativity’, which pledges proper credit and compensation for original creators, and ‘Anti-bias’, which strives to acknowledge and address any biases to produce balanced, diverse and inclusive outcomes.

Other points include ‘Sensitivity’, a commitment to never compromise client or customer by sharing sensitive data with AI platforms; and ‘Responsibility’, which positions AI as a tool to enhance human output and should always be checked to make sure all work meets the highest standards.

Rules like ‘Transparency’ and ‘Authenticity’ emphasise the importance of openly communicating when an agency uses AI and champions authentic storytelling through a human-to-human agency that works alongside AI input, respectively.

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The GOOD charter follows in the wake of growing concerns over the ethicality of AI in the marketing industry, with a recent IPA report finding almost three-quarters of consumers believed brands should be more transparent in their use of AI content.

Last month, creative agency Ogilvy called for an industry-wide change of policy in an act dubbed the ‘AI Accountability Act’.

The policy, which mirrors current regulations surrounding influencers and advertising content, is calling for a #poweredbyAI hashtag to encourage full transparency when using AI influencers.

Good Agency managing director, Nilesha Chauvet, said: “Use of AI in marketing and communications has been a headline topic of conversation across the industry for the past few months.”

“In publishing the FAIR Charter, we are addressing the ethical use of AI. We are holding ourselves and others to account in their use of technology. It needs to be monitored to ensure it is not used un-ethically, whether by accident or intentionally.”

“By adhering to our 6 positive points, GOOD will continue its commitment to ‘work for the world’ whilst keeping up with AI progress, but by doing so in a fair and ethical way,” she concluded.

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