Homeprotect enlists Diane Morgan to see the funny side of home insurance

Home and building insurer Homeprotect has enlisted actress and comedienne Diane Morgan for its first-ever TV-led integrated brand campaign which promoted its extensive home cover proposition.

Devised by creative studio Ourselves, the campaign marks its first work for the insurer since securing its account following a three-way competitive pitch in May.

Voiced by Morgan, the ad humorously examines the kinds of homes that Homeprotect can’t cover; namely a farm shed without a roof, a converted double decker bus, and a tree house. The insurer cheekily points out that it can however cover 97% of all other homes – but that the ad isn’t long enough to fit them all in.

“Homeprotect asked us to help disrupt the sleepy, staid, and conservative home insurance market – driving fame and sales, to position Homeprotect as the go to-brand for non-standard customers. The team’s appetite for bravery and doing things differently to communicate their unique offering shone through at every stage of the process,” Outsiders creative director, Aaron Howard said.

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Having first broken across the Midlands, the campaign could be given a national rollout later in the year. Home Protect’s out-of-home push builds upon the TV spot’s main theme, with comedic examples of homes it can’t protect, centred around strapline: “Cover for almost every home”.

Homeprotect chief customer officer, David Joyson, added: “We chose to work with Ourselves as they offered a winning combination of top-notch strategy and creative brilliance.

“They really understand our challenge of offering a solution that people don’t know they need, and we were impressed by their proven track record in having worked successfully with brands with similar challenge.”

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