Humiliated: Google repays advertisers in wake of damning Adalytics report

Tech giant Google has issued refunds to a range of advertisers in order to rectify ‘billing discrepancies’ after questions were raised about the quality and formatting of its video advertising proposition.

The news comes just a few weeks after the release of a highly critical report by Adalytics which questioned the placement of YouTube ads on reportedly ‘low-quality’ third party sites, such as those focused on MFA (made for advertising) content.

According to various anonymous executives featured within an AdAge article, the refunds appear to be directly correlated to the discrepancies uncovered within the Adalytics report.

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In a statement given to AdAge, a Google spokesperson said: “As part of ongoing relationship building, we sometimes issue credits to advertisers, this is not uncommon. As we’ve stated repeatedly, Adalytics used a flawed methodology to make wildly inaccurate claims about Google Video Partners.”

As a direct results of the report, a proposed class action lawsuit has now been filed against Google in the US District Court of California seeking punitive and restitution of premiums charged for allegedly missold ‘TrueView’ advertisements.

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