Touching East Midlands Railway ad looks to rebuild trust after devastating strikes

East Midlands Railway is showcasing itself as the ideal service to take passengers to London as it looks to rebuild trust and brand confidence following a turbulent 18 months for the industry.

‘Big Dreams Begin on the Train’ was developed in partnership with creative agency Atomic London and will acknowledge the impact of the recent train strikes on the East Midlands service’s quality and punctuality – in a bid to heal the customer-operator relationship.

Directed by Brad Lubin and produced by Sam George and Tim Marshall at Another Film Company, East Midlands will aim to inspire a sense of reliability in its service through the brand character ‘Miles’, whose journey to London takes him on a quest for love.

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“Since we have introduced Miles as our brand character, we have seen great success with him becoming a recognisable and likeable face of our brand to all our EMR staff and customers,” East Midlands Railway head of revenue and marketing, Jenna Cowie said.

“This year, we wanted to push Miles further and explore how to build his storyline into something more emotional and memorable for our customers. The Atomic team have certainly delivered, and we are excited to show the EMR staff and customers more of Miles.”

The simplistic, heartwarming film will run from today (9th October) across TV, video-on-demand, cinema, radio, digital and social media, celebrating the ‘beauty’ of East Midland’s trains.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Pauline Smith
    March 13, 2024 5:02 pm

    This advert is on tv do frequently at, I’m sure, a high cost. Could money not be better spent?


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