Evening Standard unveils £1m OOH and print ad-space prize

The Evening Standard and Outernet London have announced a competition offering advertisers the chance to win £1 million worth of ad space across outdoor and print.

Entrants will be required to submit an advert ranging from 30 to 120 seconds, to feature on the Outernet London’s Now Building in Tottenham Court Road.

Open to both ad agencies and in-house brand teams, the theme of London’s Greatest Advertising Competition is “Celebrating London’s diversity”.

With an average of 85,000 visitors each week, the advert will be showcased across the building’s 23,000 sq ft of wraparound, floor-to-ceiling 16K screens every half hour for the duration of the campaign.

Supporting the OOH ads, the Evening Standard is offering cover wraps of a print issue, a digital display on its homepage, social promotion and the opportunity to feature in its programmatically delivered premium Brand Story digital formats.

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In addition, Outernet will also promote the campaign across its website, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.

Among the seven judges on the panel, culture and the creative industries deputy mayor of London Justine Simons; Media For All founder, Naren Patel; The Sidemen, manager, Jordan Schwarzenberger; Wavemaker executive creative director, Ann Wixley; senior advisor to the mayor of London, comms and marketing, Puja Parmer.

Previous campaigns run on the Now Building include an immersive beer experience from Estrella and an interactive activation by Pixel Artworks.

“Without a doubt London is the most exciting city in the world. The people, the energy and the cultural diversity are all part of what makes it what it is. London is also home to some of the most iconic media brands,” said Evening Standards editor-in-chief and competition judge Dylan Jones.

“Today, along with Outernet, we launch this competition to give an opportunity for ad agencies and brands to harness the power of Outernet and the Evening Standard with innovation and excellence in mind.”

A deadline for entries of 15 December and judging will take place in early January next year, potential entries can be made through the competition page.

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