OVO unleashes insights on commuters with dynamic Euston billboard


Energy firm OVO has unveiled a 60m billboard at Euston Station which showcases how commuters can make greener energy decisions.

Created by Saatchi&Saatchi, the dynamic billboard harnesses data from generative AI and the National Grid ESO, the dynamic billboard features suggestions like “60% of us have switched to air fryers. Green curries have never been greener”

Another said: “Almost 1 in 4 control their heating with their phone. Being smart is now cool. Or warm. Totally up to you.”

The campaign builds on the “different angle” creative platform launched by the firm last year, with industry-first digital billboards launched in September 2023.

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“This epic new media opportunity brings together innovation and our mission to change the way the nation thinks about and consumes energy. Credit to our brilliant agency partners for finding a fresh way of transforming OVO’s insight into actionable, relatable advice at an even more ambitious and evolving scale,” said Ovo director of brand and marketing Alice Tendler.

Saatchi&Saatchi chief creative officer Franki Goodwin said: “This is a huge moment for our partnership with OVO. I don’t know any comparable creative use of generative AI either at this scale or that uses the tech to so perfectly harness a brand vision”.

Goodstuff chief client experience officer Genevieve Tompkins added: “Working with OVO to land this exclusive feature on the Euston Motion + is really exciting. This was a sought-after placement, one we were keen to capitalise on to continue to show OVO’s “different angle on energy”.”

“As the campaign progresses, the screens and surrounding media will showcase some of the most innovative connections between data, technology and creativity we’ve seen, including our pioneering work with National Grid ESO data.”

JCDecaux co-CEO Chris Collins added that the project was “another proofpoint of how OOH gives back by providing valuable revenue streams for our landlords and a powerful platform for brand communication for our advertising clients”.


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