Adform becomes first demand side platform to join SBTi

Media buying platform Adform has joined the Science Based Targets Initiative, making it the first global demand side platform to do so.

It follows on from the platforms move to become a member of Ad Net Zero, which sets out a series of initiatives to help the ad industry reduce emissions, and has become the first demand side platform to integrate Scope 3 data.

The ad platform will join a range of big names including the We Mean Business Coalition, Ikea, Vodafone, T-Mobile, BMW and more in signing up to the SBTi.

Last year, OOH firm VIOOH became the first DOOH firm to publicly share its emissions data.

It comes in the wake of criticism of the advertising sectors sustainability credentials for its links with fossil fuel clients, but also because of the emissions created by digital advertising.

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“The adtech industry is still on a journey to truly integrate sustainability into its strategy, as sustainability is becoming a business-to-business matter. At Adform we embrace this difficult journey, where many new decisions need to be made,” said Adform CEO Troels Philip Jensen.

“By committing to science-based emissions reduction targets, we’re proud to follow one of Adform’s guiding principles ‘stand tall’, as SBTI is the highest benchmark for climate action”.

Adform  general counsel and ESG SVP Anders Pilgaard added: “From Ad Net Zero to Scope 3 and now the SBTi, this is all evidence of our ambition to change the game within sustainability in adtech.

“Our partners, including brands, agencies and publishers, can rest assured that with just one click our platform enables them to make sustainable choices for their campaigns.”

“We at Adform take pride in putting our commitments into action and delivering on our promises.”


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