The government unveils new logo to reflect King Charles III crown


The government’s website has unveiled a new crown logo, which features the chosen insignia of King Charles III.

Created by the Government Digital Service (GDS) in collaboration with the Government Communication Service (GCS) and the Royal Household, the new logo replaces the late Queen’s St Edward’s Crown logo with the dome-shaped Tudor Crown logo.

The majority of changes to the website are expected to have completed by 1 March.

In the interim, the public are being encouraged to report misleading and fraudulent styled websites via the dedicated reporting page on

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Sign up here to get the latest marketing news sent straight to your inbox each morning director at the Government Digital Service Christine Bellamy said: “Over the decade has been live, we’ve earned the trust of the population to become a crucial part of civic life.

“We take this responsibility seriously, and it’s fantastic to see the logo updated to reflect the new symbols of the state. We have worked with teams across government to ensure the roll-out is smooth, and feels seamless to our users.”

The change will also be made on other government channels, that use the logo, such as apps.

Cabinet Secretary Alex Burghart added: “ is an essential part of living, studying and working in the UK. It is used by millions of people weekly for both routine and sometimes life-changing reasons such as getting access to benefits or finding a job.”


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