How the 2024 Paris Olympics can help brands take home advertising gold

In the world of advertising, few events rival the grandeur and global stage of the Olympics and Paralympics. For several weeks, eyes from all over the world will follow their nations and favorite athletes closely to see which will reign supreme.

System1 chief customer officer Jon Evans

Just like the athletes going for gold, advertisers are competing for the top spot, aiming to capture the hearts and wallets of audiences. Sports sponsorship globally accounts for  £84 billion in revenue annually while this year’s Olympics is expected to account for more than £1 billion of that.

With so much at stake, how can brands ensure they clinch victory when there is such a diverse and global audience at play?

System1 chief customer officer Jon Evans breaks down five winning strategies for brand-building gold.

1. Celebrate the exceptional

At its core, the Olympics celebrates exceptional achievements. Whether that is in the form of record-breaking laps in the pool or heartwarming stories of triumph and overcoming adversity, the Games are a showcase of human excellence and prowess.

For advertisers, the key is to tap into this spirit of greatness by telling emotional stories of exceptional athletes at the Games and across the globe.

Consider Toyota’s touching ad featuring Paralympian Jessica Long. By weaving together footage of Long’s extraordinary career with the emotional narrative of her childhood and challenges, the ad not only celebrated her achievements but also resonated deeply with audiences.

It is a reminder that behind every medal is a unique story of dedication and sacrifice.

2. Go for global appeal

The Olympics is more than just a sporting event. It is a worldwide spectacle that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries.

With 206 nations participating, viewers are tuning in from all over the globe. For advertisers, this presents an excellent opportunity to craft campaigns with universal appeal by following the guidance of universal truths.

Take P&G’s iconic ‘Thank You, Mom’ ad, which captured the essence of maternal support during the Games and the hope, dedication and heartbreak that goes into raising an athlete. By tapping into a universal truth – the unwavering love and sacrifice of mothers – P&G struck a chord with audiences worldwide.

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Whether in Tokyo or watching from a pub in London, the sentiment remains the same: gratitude for those who cheer on from the sidelines and made it all possible.

3. Leverage the ‘sport dividend’

While the Olympics attract a diverse audience, sports enthusiasts are at the heart of the Games. With 32 sports being played in Paris this summer, many viewers will tune in to see their favorite activities played out by each sport’s finest.

Among these are gymnastics, swimming, diving and basketball in the US and cycling, athletics (running, jumping, throwing and walking), swimming and velodrome in the UK. Advertisers can leverage these passionate fan bases by creating campaigns that speak directly to their love of sports.

Major League Baseball’s ‘Baseball Is Something Else’ ad is a prime example of the effectiveness uplift we see among sports fans, known as the ‘Sport Dividend’. By celebrating the culture and camaraderie of the sport, the MLB ad appealed to general viewers but also resonated deeply with baseball fans.

The ad clearly portrays the excitement that fans, players and employees feel at the start of each season. Ads like these achieve high ratings due to broad-based effectiveness (music and visuals) and their targeted appeal to sports fans.

4. Faster, higher, stronger branding

In emotional storytelling, it is crucial not to lose sight of brand recognition. Advertisers must ensure that their brand remains front and center, even amidst the Olympic intensity.

Brand fluency – that is, how recognisable your brand is within your ad – is key to making sure people quickly know who or what the ad is for.

Whether it is through early and prominent logo placement or seamless product integration, like Oreo’s Super Bowl ad, maintaining brand fluency is key. In the ad, the Oreo filling is used as a decisionmaker by the Greeks during the Trojan War and Kris Jenner as she decides to put every aspect of her family’s life on television via ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’.

By zooming in on the infamous cookie as the characters ‘twist on it,’ the ad seamlessly integrates the product into the narrative. After all, the goal is not just to tell a compelling story but to ensure that audiences associate it with your brand.

5. Entertain for Olympics gain

The Olympics are as much about amusement as they are about sport. Advertisers should dare to be bold and entertaining, breaking free from category standards to capture the imagination of viewers.

A lackluster ad that does not engage the right brain will not excite viewers and is likely to be unsuccessful. However, an engaging ad featuring emotion, characters music and compelling visuals while telling a story will capture the hearts of many.

Channel 4’s ‘Meet the Superhumans’ campaign for the London 2012 Paralympics did just that. By infusing the Games with elements of pop culture and musical theater, Channel 4 transformed the way audiences viewed Paralympic athletes.

Similarly, the NFL’s 2024 Super Bowl ad is a testament to the power of entertainment, captivating viewers with an inspiring narrative and an unexpected setting.

In the Advertising Olympics, the judges are consumers who will reward creative that’s entertaining, relevant and well-branded.

Our insights showcase that brand-building victory requires a combination of celebration, global appeal, authentic sporting references, clear branding, and amusement. By following these five tips, advertisers can take their place on the podium of advertising success, securing their place in the hearts and minds of audiences around the world.

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