Dentsu’s carbon-busting ad ‘sucks’, thanks to London mural

Dentsu UK and Ireland has unveiled a ‘pollution-catching’ mural on Euston Road, one of London’s most congested streets as it looks to tackle the issue of air pollution.

Devised in partnership with NGO Global Action Plan, ‘This Campaign Sucks’ marks Clean Air Day 2024 and looks to highlight the unacceptable level of air pollution in London by educating the public on what they can do to drive change.

The paint used in the mural will have an eco-friendly clear topcoat that can reduce the amount in the air by up to 73% when applied to concrete and brick and up to 36% on vinyl.

Brought to life by the international agency and Global Street Art, the mural forms part of Dentsu’s commitment to finding transformative solutions to the biggest issue facing business and communities.

“Our 2024 Consumer Vision report found that 79% of UK consumers prefer to shop for brands that offer solutions that not only minimise the negative impact on the world, but rather restore and create a positive impact for the environment,” Dentsu EMEA head of sustainability Pamela Stathaki said.

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“Social responsibility needs to become a core value in every business, and we need to be better at promoting and demonstrating how brands can enact change. We are proud to be partnering with a charity as committed as Global Action Plan, that is driving change globally but also making a real difference to people’s lives in local communities.”

Created by environmental services firm Pureti, the topcoat’s so-called ‘Reactivair’ technology uses titanium dioxide to turn the broken down pollutants into salts.

Currently, the UK government estimates that air pollution is responsible for a staggering 36,000 deaths in the UK each year, with the World Health Organisation emphasising that the issues is the worst environmental health risk we face today.

Global Action Plan director of corporate partnerships Nicky O’Malley added: “Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to our health, affecting us from before our first breath to our last.

“The good news is that solutions to our air pollution problem already exist. This Clean Air Day, we’re encouraging everyone to take action to ensure that people can travel in cleaner and greener ways.

“We are delighted to have partnered with Dentsu on this project to raise public awareness of the issue in a creative and engaging way, as part of our goal that people in urban areas can breathe clean air by 2030.”

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