Adidas’ ode to Jude Bellingham tops Euro 2024 engagement list

Adidas’ ‘Hey Jude’ spot has topped the list of the most emotionally engaging Euro 2024 ads, using the power of storytelling and an all-star cast to impressive effect.

Featuring the titular England man Jude Bellingham, the film also stars former England captains Frank Lampard and David Beckham, former England striker Ian Wright, as well as rapper Stormzy and TV presenter Laura Woods.

According to research by creative effectiveness platform Daivid, the Adidas ad is generating the most positive engagement from viewers, compared to any other Euros spot.

The sportswear brand’s film deals with past England failures at major tournaments, including Lampard’s infamous ‘ghost goal’ against Germany in 2010, and looks towards a more hopeful future spearheaded by 20 year-old stalwart Bellingham.

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“Time will tell if the 20-year-old Real Madrid star will take the sad song of England’s recent tournament history and make it better, but there’s no doubt that Adidas has scored a real winner with ‘Hey Jude’,” Daivid founder and CEO, Ian Forrester said.

“By digging deep into the sores of England’s previous disappointments at the European Championships and then placing the nation’s hopes on Bellingham’s young shoulders, the ad generated incredibly intense feelings among the people who watched, particularly of hope, adoration and inspiration – the perfect recipe for sporting success.

“It’s also worth mentioning brands like Irn-Bru and Paddy Power. Making people laugh at ads is never easy, but their campaigns really hit the net.”

Daivid revealed that over half (52.8%) of all of the ad’s viewers experienced ‘intense positive emotions’, placing ahead of both Irn Bru’s ‘Get to Germany’ (50.3%) and Budweiser’s ‘Bring it Home’ (49.5%).

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