Adland yawns: CIM reveals slashed budgets and AI keep marketers awake


Marketers are tossing and turning due to a range of issues, with over half fearing burnout due to the industry’s culture (56%), according to new research from the Chartered Institute of Marketers (CIM).

This was particularly pronounced for 25-34 year olds, with three fifths (59%) saying they were worried about burnout, compared to just 38% of 45-54 year olds.

Other issues disturbing marketer’s sleep include the arrival of new tech like artificial intelligence (52%),  and slashed budgets (59%), according to the CIM.

While most marketers (61%) believe they have the skills to adjust to new technologies, almost two thirds (65%) believe AI is being introduced two quickly.

The CIM also found that wages haven’t seen significant growth over the last 12 months, with around a fifth (18%) reporting their salaries had stayed the same, and just over a third (36%) seeing modest increases between 1 and 5%.

Moreover, only around half of those surveyed (56%) indicated that they felt that progress had been made on diversity and inclusion within their teams.

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Regarding mental health, three quarters  of marketers polled (74%) believed that their employers now take mental health more seriously than they previously did.

However, when it came to hybrid working, some expressed concerns that working from home negatively impacts team creativity (39%), while many said that they believe face-to-face interactions boost their teams output (70%).

“As we continue to operate in challenging times it’s great to see the importance being placed on people and the well-being of individuals by organisations. The research confirms that this ultimately drives better business outcomes as well as benefiting individuals,” said CIM director of marketing and communications Mark Scott.

“Team retention will continue to be a challenge for businesses in the second half of 2024. The cost of living crisis and inflationary pressure will undoubtedly require many of us to tighten our belts,” he added.

“Marketing leaders must continue to prioritise the well-being of their teams in order to keep hold of great talent,” he continued.


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