Watch: Ozzy Osbourne warns kids not to snort Liquid Death

Canned water brand Liquid Death has enlisted unhinged rock legend and former Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne for its latest provocative advertising campaign.

The ad comes fresh off the heels of the brand’s ‘disastrous’ commercial featuring The Deep from Amazon Prime show ‘The Boys’, in which the superhero is seen smoking a cigarette in class full of children before force-feeding a young boy a cup of sugar.

Having promptly fired The Deep as its brand ambassador of choice, Liquid Death naturally looked to ‘The Prince of Darkness’, aka Ozzy Osbourne, to show young people the way for its most recent ad.

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Promoting the brand’s freshly-released ‘Death Dust’ electrolyte drink mix, we see a pair of young men preparing to indulge in the healthy supplement before being warned by Ozzy to not, under any circumstances it, snort it.

The baffled pair attempt to explain that the powder isn’t an illegal substance, but much to their continued confusion, he goes on to warn them against ‘freebasing’ it, injecting it, and especially ‘boofing’ it (sticking it up your backside).

“I love how Liquid Death makes a healthy thing like hydration more fun,” said Ozzy.

“Sharon, the family, and I drink Liquid Death all the time, it’s delicious. But seriously, don’t snort or inject anything they make. It’s much better for drinking.”

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