Strongbow targets Glasto with festival-themed OOH campaign

Cider brand Strongbow is targeting key summer ‘moments’ with a colourful omnichannel campaign launching at Glastonbury Festival this weekend.

Centred around out-of-home activity, the campaign will see the Strongbow brand displayed at a range of high-impact Glastonbury travel ‘hot spots’, such as Paddington and Victoria stations in London.

Marking the latest iteration of the brand’s ongoing ‘Take a Bow’ creative platform, the hero out-of-home work is set to be supported by a series of social and programmatic executions.

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First launched last year, the vibrant platform looks to infuse modernity into the 64-year old brand by being more reflective of its diverse audience and consumer base.

“Strongbow has always had a close relationship with UK festivals so it’s good to get the brand back into the conversation. With all the new flavours launched it’s also the perfect festival refreshment come rain or shine,” Otherway CEO, Jono Holt said.

Developed by creative agency Otherway, the campaign will also celebrate Strongbow’s full range of flavours and will underpin its ambition to remain present during cultural moments throughout the year.

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