Watch: Tesco Whoosh comedy spots say ‘it’s all in the delivery’

Tesco is continuing to champion the unusual as it says ‘it’s all in the delivery’ as part of its latest comedy-focused marketing push for in-house rapid grocery delivery service Whoosh.

Tesco champions the unusual as it says ‘it’s all in the delivery’ as part of its latest marketing push for rapid grocery delivery service Whoosh.

The second phase of the ongoing targeted campaign, created by global agency BBH, continues to focus on consumers who have more exciting things to do than their grocery shopping.

Taking the opportunity to continue spotlighting home hobbyists, Tesco’s work has been created specifically to run as sponsorship idents for Channel 4 Comedy.

Featuring consumers who have unusual ways of spending their spare time, all four films were once again directed by Daniel Lundh at Spindle, and are set in the homes of young urbanites who would rather pursue their passions than pop to the shops.

In cowboy-themed Buffalo, the hero can be seen perfecting their rodeo, riding high on a bucking bronco they’ve set up in the living room.

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Pottery features a hapless artist who’s currently throwing herself into all things pottery, while Martial Arts’ stars a karate ‘pro’ who has transformed her living room into a home studio.

Self Care’s protagonist has created a makeshift jacuzzi in their living room.

Each film then closes with the words: ‘It’s all in the delivery’, tapping directly into the comedy audience.

The work was was overseen by BBH’s deputy executive creative director Felipe Guimaraes, art directed by Laura Canciglia and written by Hannah Worthington.

Tesco Whoosh and BBH have further activity planned across the rest of the year.

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