Unison spotlights Tory failures in provocative OOH campaign

The UK’s largest trade union Unison is aiming to mobilise its members and is calling on the public to vote Labour in the upcoming general election via a digital out-of-home campaign.

Devised by marketing agency Krow London, ‘No Pros, Just Cons’ highlights the negative aspects of the Conservative Party’s performance over its last 14 years in government.

To emphasise its message, the creative levels a series of alleged failures at the incumbent administration without listing any ‘pros’ or positive achievements, spotlighting what it believes is the need for a change to a Labour government.

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“It was a great experience to work with krow Group once again on this latest campaign. Highlighting the Conservative government’s terrible record of failure on public services, and the workers who deliver them, is vitally important at this election,” Unison campaign manager, Lisa McGuinness said.

To support the digital out-of-home and press assets, Unison has also created animations that illustrate the negative impact of the Conservatives’ tenure, such as long NHS waiting lists, poor wage growth and the widespread proliferation of food banks.

Krow group ECD, Darryl George added: “The workers that UNISON represents are usually overlooked in political debates. I’m proud that with the help of this hard-hitting campaign, which will feature in paid social and publications like the Daily Mail, the union’s members will be impossible to ignore.”

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