My Life My Say hijacks social media to get young people voting in election


Youth-led charity My Life My Say has hijacked the #GRWM (Get Ready With Me) on social media to remind young people that they need to bring their ID to vote in today’s general election.

Developed in partnership with creative agency Wonderhood Studios, the charity’s campaign is informed by the insight that this election is set to be the most unequal for voter turnout in 60 years according to the IPPR.

The charity warns that if this projection becomes reality, the UK could end up with a government that disproportionately represents older age groups over younger generations.

“What we love most about this idea is the ingenious way that it targets young people at exactly the right moment – while on their favourite social platforms, with the influencers they watch every day and in the hours just before the polling stations open. It’s a hugely important issue and we’re incredibly proud as an agency to be doing our bit to help,” Wonderhood Studios ECD, Ben Edwards.

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Alarmingly, estimates suggest that as many as 30% of 18-24s aren’t away that ID is now needed to vote at polling stations, coupled with the fact that 75% of this age group believe that politicians don’t care about them – this could open up a storm of apathy.

My Life My Say head of partnerships, Dan Lawes added: “We are incredibly proud of the #GetVotingWithMe trend, which epitomises our commitment to meet young people where they are through innovative methods.

“By leveraging a popular social media trend and working with influencers that young people trust and follow daily, we can deliver crucial reminders about voter ID requirements in a relevant and impactful way. This campaign will help ensure that every young voice is heard in the General Election.”


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