Oystercatchers appoints new managing director

Consultancy firm Oystercatchers has appointed Becky McKinlay as its new managing director after initially being selected on a interim basis in April.

McKinlay’s appointment follows on from the departure of former managing director Richard Robinson and managing partner Gill Huber who both joined rival outfit Ingenuity.

In her new role, McKinlay will be tasked with leading the company’s integrated services, such as agency search and selection, training and consultancy.

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“There are few brands in this space that engender such loyalty, respect and affection as Oystercatchers. Our reputation has been built over many years from the core foundations of integrity, transparency and promoting best practice – what an incredible legacy. The last two months have provided me with real optimism about how we further develop the Oystercatchers business in service of our clients and agencies,” McKinlay said.

“As we approach 2025 and beyond, you can expect to see new Oystercatchers services and products to supplement our offering. We will be relentless in our desire to deliver exceptional value to our clients, in our pursuit of progress for the wider industry and in our commitment to championing best practice.”

McKinlay will also oversee the development of the Oystercatchers Club for agencies, alongside the development of further complementary services to help clients maximise their output.


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